You people are voracious consumers of web content. Admit it, you’d read healthcare sites and blogs in your sleep if you could. By the flood of amazing sources in my tweeter feed every morning, I’m convinced some of you actually do. Since we know sharing is caring, we’ve established the HCSM Blog Review just for you.
Here’s how this works. Send me links to posts you’ve read recently with no more than three sentences on why the post made an impact. It’s ok if you love the post or want to disagree with it. Send it my way and, if it fits our theme, it will get included.
For this edition of the Review, I would like to focus on patient experience, design and innovation (in care models, service offerings, hcsm itself, etc). How is hcsm facilitating and improving patient experience? How can the social web impact design in healthcare?
So, what are you waiting for, make with the links already!
How to submit:
Leave a comment in the comments section of this post with your name, a link for you (twitter, web site, etc), a link to the post you what to feature and no more than three sentences on what you found compelling about the post.
If you prefer, you can also email your submissions to: nd {at] nickdawson (period) net
Then, check back here on 6/13/2012 for the official roundup.